Clinical PIs

Gloria Pelizzo

Clinical PI
Qualifica professionale: Professore Ordinario presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche, UNIMI, Direttore di Scuola di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Pediatrica e Direttore Chirurgia Pediatrica Ospedale dei Bambini “Vittore Buzzi”, ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, Milano

Francesco Di Meco

Clinical PI
Qualifica professionale: Director of the Department of Oncological Neurosurgery, Functional Neurosurgery and Spinal Neurosurgery of the IRCCS Carlo Besta Neurological Institute. Full Professor of Neurosurgery, University of Milan, Department of Medical-Surgical Physio-pathology and Transplantation

I have always been interested in virtual reality and in the development of new technologies that allow young surgeons to gradually acquire new skills, without subjecting the patient to errors dictated by a lack of experience. With the reduction of working hours for doctors in training and the increase in medical-legal cases, we are witnessing a reduction in exposure to surgical cases. This translates into fewer opportunities not only to assist but also to be directly involved as the first operators in the operating room. The primary task of those personally involved in the training of neurosurgeons is to identify new strategies to train a generation that is at least as well-equipped as the previous one. 3D printed models from real cases would make a fundamental contribution to the training of neurosurgeons, allowing current and future generations to acquire surgical skills and improve technical skills in a protected environment where a mistake would not have devastating consequences, but which would instead constitute a constructive experience to be critically analyzed.

Maurizio Gallieni

Clinical PI
Qualifica professionale: Professore Associato di Nefrologia, Dipertimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche "L. Sacco", Università degli Studi di Milano; Direttore U.O. Nefrologia e Dialisi, ASST Fatebenefratelli Sacco, Milano

Alessandro Perin

Clinical PI
Qualifica professionale: Neurosurgeon

Lombardy as a leader in personalized medicine and in the creation of models of organs and pathologies to treat patients better, without risk or damage relating to the inexperience of doctors and surgeons.

Francesco Rizzetto

Qualifica professionale: Medico Radiologo

PRINTMED-3D rivoluziona la pratica clinica attraverso soluzioni combinate di imaging radiologico, realtà virtuale e stampa 3D. Questo approccio innovativo e multidisciplinare arricchisce l'analisi diagnostica, migliora la comunicazione tra i professionisti sanitari e facilita la pianificazione terapeutica, traducendosi in nuove prospettive per una medicina sempre più personalizzata ed efficace, a beneficio dei pazienti.