Integrated platform for three-dimensional medical technologies
A revolutionary method
PRINTMED-3d aims to create an infrastructure for the development of enabling solutions for personalised medicine and specialist training, through the combined use of virtual reality and functional additive printing technologies.
PRINTMED-3D is made up of people with complementary skills: researchers, clinicians, entrepreneurs, technologists, and managers. each is indispensable and complementary to the achievement of the project’s objectives.
Paolo Milani
Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti
Alessandro Rotilio
Maurizio Vertemati
News & Press
Il 19 Giugno 2024 presso il Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Pontremoli” dell’Università degli Studi di Milano si inaugura, con la presenza del Rettore, la nuova
PRINTMED-3D provided the innovative haptic phantoms and the training facility for the course organized by Professor Maurizio Gallieni in the framework of the EU project
The report on the fabrication of a haptic liver model for surgical planning and training, developed by the PRINTMED-3D team, has been published in Diagnostics
Il 19 Giugno 2024 presso il Dipartimento di Fisica “A. Pontremoli” dell’Università degli Studi di Milano si inaugura, con la presenza del Rettore, la nuova
PRINTMED-3D provided the innovative haptic phantoms and the training facility for the course organized by Professor Maurizio Gallieni in the framework of the EU project
The report on the fabrication of a haptic liver model for surgical planning and training, developed by the PRINTMED-3D team, has been published in Diagnostics
In questa puntata di UPsalute si analizza il tema della chirurgia del fegato personalizzata con il prof. Roberto Santambrogio dirigente medico UOC di Chirurgia Generale
POSTvoices – L’innovazione tecnologica nell’abitare la casa e la città
Scarica l’invito: POSThome – Invito Digital week Talk – 18 Marzo 2021
POSThome: sleeping e working area in una casa-modello post-covid
A Milano, al terzo piano di una palazzina Anni Trenta, architettura e ricerca hanno realizzato “POSThome”: una residenza universitaria che abbraccia tutte le tendenze del
In questa puntata di UPsalute si analizza il tema della chirurgia del fegato personalizzata con il prof. Roberto Santambrogio dirigente medico UOC di Chirurgia Generale
POSTvoices – L’innovazione tecnologica nell’abitare la casa e la città
Scarica l’invito: POSThome – Invito Digital week Talk – 18 Marzo 2021
POSThome: sleeping e working area in una casa-modello post-covid
A Milano, al terzo piano di una palazzina Anni Trenta, architettura e ricerca hanno realizzato “POSThome”: una residenza universitaria che abbraccia tutte le tendenze del
University of Milan is the lead partner of PRINTMED-3D and participates in the project through the “Aldo Pontremoli” Department of Physics and the Interdisciplinary Centre for Nanostructured Materials and Interfaces (C.I.M.a.I.N.a.) for the development of 3d printing processes and microfabrications, material libraries and production of fluidic systems. Also participating are the “L. Sacco” Department of Biomedical and Clinical Sciences, the Niguarda Hospital, through the SC Radiology, the Department of Oncology and Onco-Hematology and the Department of Orthodontics and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Policlinico, for clinical, preclinical and diagnostic applications, functional validation of 3d artefacts and virtual reality.
IRCCS “Carlo Besta” Neurological Institute Foundation participates through the department of neurosurgery and the besta neurosim center (bnsc). bnsc is the first neurosurgical simulation and training centre in europe equipped with state-of-the-art neurosurgical simulators. bnsc proposes a revolutionary training method for the next generations of neurosurgeons. PRINTMED-3D Activities: clinical and diagnostic applications and validation of 3d artefacts and virtual reality.
Dolphin Fluidics develops, manufactures and markets intelligent fluidics devices. thanks to the integration of precision fluidics, smart actuators and control and communication electronics, dolphin fluidics products control fluids and air, in both on-off and proportional regulation, for the medical, professional food and beverage, and industrial sectors. Activities in PRINTMED-3D: integration of fluidic systems in 3d artefacts.